“Fiona Monbet, ‘Celtic and gypsy fairy’, violinist and conductor, takes us on a dreamlike ride of technique and vitality. […] She is accompanied here by a top-flight jazz trio and a small chamber orchestra that she conducts while she plays. […] A sublime poetic and lyrical journey in which the violin becomes song and the music, emotion.” Jazz in Marciac
Grand Chapiteau – 4 aout 2022
‘With her latest creation, Maelström, Franco-Irish violinist, composer and conductor Fiona Monbet invites audiences to a powerful whirlwind through her abundant musical universe. It’s impossible to resist this great wave, sweeping you from a tango of unparalleled virtuosity to the most exhilarating blues, via Brazilian-inspired pieces, Irish gospel and her highly acclaimed, intoxicatingly powerful Cantus Carminis. Fiona Monbet has always been a jazz and classical violinist as well as a conductor, so here she will be accompanied by a top-flight jazz trio as well as a small chamber orchestra, which she will conduct as she plays. A whirlwind of virtuosity, certainly, but above all a sublime poetic and lyrical journey where the violin becomes song and the music, emotion.’ Jazz in Marciac
Fiona Monbet, ‘Celtic and gypsy fairy’, violinist and conductor, takes us on a dreamlike ride of technique and vitality. Her virtuosity is matched only by the simplicity with which she approaches the stage. With gusto, she takes us into one of her dreams, eyes closed, accompanying her bow with two sideways steps. Her body flexes and shakes. For the duration of a Rodéo, the beat accelerates and sets the big top ablaze. Fiona snatches a hair from her bow. Free, the animal gallops off towards distant steppes. After a feverish Tango, we are intoxicated by the lyrical power of Cantus Carminis. From blues to chamber music, we’re whirled around in a Maelstrom with Celtic-Brazilian accents that knows no borders. With Final, the audience rises to its feet and follows the rhythm imposed by the snare drum. Hands clap, feet slam into the floor. Fiona takes over the reins with her bow. She makes the hearts of the 11 musicians beat in unison. After a compulsory encore, in front of a stunned audience, the dreamer gives her all with The Kid, a tribute to her jazz godfather, the late Didier Lockwood. RIP. A beautiful epic.
Jazz au Coeur, 2022
Fiona Monbet conductor, violin
Florent Pujuila clarinet
Arno de Casenove trumpet
Sarah Van der Vlist flute
Manon Souchard French horn
Elsa Moatti violin
Rozarta Luka violin
Julia Macarez viola
Michelle Pierre cello
Auxane Cartigny piano
Zacharie Abraham double bass
Philippe Maniez drums
©Photo Francis Vernhet